Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Series: #3 - A Heavenly Song

I love music. There are many days, often the busy ones where I am up to my eyeballs in homework, where I think that without music I probably couldn't survive. It turns out that God loves music too. Following the parting of the Red Sea the Israelites sang a song of the great wonders that God had done. This song was so powerful that, even today, Jews continue to recite it every morning at worship.

Do you know what is even more interesting? God wrote a song! I could hardly believe it when I read it, but its true. You can read the lyrics in Deuteronomy 32:1-43. Doesn't this just make you wonder what it sounded like? What style was it? Would I like it? If God wrote it then it must sound good; or does personal taste still play a factor? Although we will probably never know the answers to these questions, we can know something about the purpose of this song. In our culture when we want kids to remember the alphabet we have them learn the alphabet song. Likewise, when God wanted the Israelites to remember the covenant and the blessings and curses that went along with it, he created a song.

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